这个概念以前讲过,马克思·韦伯提出来的“社会演员(social actor)”——人在社会中扮演着各种角色,以此对自己进行行为规范。
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
目前正是临近政府换届,是言论管制最严厉的阶段。中东的局势也让中国领导人对自己的绝对统治有所担心。对文化的管制也反应了强硬派如Zhou Yongkang(曾主力平定新疆维族暴乱)的影响力的增强。周二,新华社报道Zhou要求当局“建立法律法规”以“解决社会团结、道德和网络管理的问题”。当然,除当权者而外,无人知晓他们对言论自由的这种难以具象的总体不安感来自何源。
中国政法大学新闻传播学院院长Song Jianwu认为中国领导人允许开放言路,但也担心微博这个安全阀可能演变成炸弹。他认为中国网路会逐步施行实名制:”我们希望(政府)不要采取对抗性的态度。”
除了自监管以外,很多“辟谣”部门相继建立,专人排查、消除错误信息。北京党委书记Liu Qiu多次公开前往微博公司,时有著名博主陪同。他要求人们维护社会秩序和正确的意识形态,并按时政府对他们的态度取决他们合作与否。
总体而言,中国对媒体内容的限制与规定有增无减。媒体分析家及顾问Bill Bishop认为限娱令可能使人们转向网络寻求娱乐节目,但政府可能会很快出台法规限制网络内容。他建议投资者考虑日渐加大的管理风险。
目前正是临近政府换届,是言论管制最严厉的阶段。中东的局势也让中国领导人对自己的绝对统治有所担心。对文化的管制也反应了强硬派如Zhou Yongkang(曾主力平定新疆维族暴乱)的影响力的增强。周二,新华社报道Zhou要求当局“建立法律法规”以“解决社会团结、道德和网络管理的问题”。当然,除当权者而外,无人知晓他们对言论自由的这种难以具象的总体不安感来自何源。
中国政法大学新闻传播学院院长Song Jianwu认为中国领导人允许开放言路,但也担心微博这个安全阀可能演变成炸弹。他认为中国网路会逐步施行实名制:”我们希望(政府)不要采取对抗性的态度。”
除了自监管以外,很多“辟谣”部门相继建立,专人排查、消除错误信息。北京党委书记Liu Qiu多次公开前往微博公司,时有著名博主陪同。他要求人们维护社会秩序和正确的意识形态,并按时政府对他们的态度取决他们合作与否。
总体而言,中国对媒体内容的限制与规定有增无减。媒体分析家及顾问Bill Bishop认为限娱令可能使人们转向网络寻求娱乐节目,但政府可能会很快出台法规限制网络内容。他建议投资者考虑日渐加大的管理风险。
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
Did you aim at questioning one person's behavior or at discussing a pressing phenomenon?
Were you aware that you were making constant, multiple times of legal accusation of one individual throughout a considerable length in a public fashion?
Did you do any fact check before making such accusation besides your own "observation?"
How certain were you that your accusation was correct? How certain are you now?
If not 100%, do you think that you should have made such a strong and constant accusation targeting one person?
You cited a message that was not directly linked to the incident last Saturday. Do you think that might reflect that you were biased before evaluating the incidence?
Were you aware that citing an irrelevant case might cause biased judgment among the message recipients?
Do you remain biased towards the person outside the soccer games? Specifically, do you consider him as a generally violent person, or one with violent tendency?
As the Committee member of the said person, do you agree that you are in the de facto higher level of the hierarchy in any possible interaction with him?
Do you agree that the power structure never really disappear, no mAtter how the context or scenario changes?
If so, do you think as a person with more power in this hierarchy, your accusation may cause unnecessary pressure and stress on the person?
Do you agree therefore you should be more cautious than making an ill-evidenced accusation, which may be a crime that breaches the said person's reputation, at the same time causing a conflict of interest?
Since you are constantly making moral and even legal judgment of the person without factual ground, how certain are you that such personal biases would not interfere with your role as influencing and evaluating the said person's academic performance?
Were you aware that you were making constant, multiple times of legal accusation of one individual throughout a considerable length in a public fashion?
Did you do any fact check before making such accusation besides your own "observation?"
How certain were you that your accusation was correct? How certain are you now?
If not 100%, do you think that you should have made such a strong and constant accusation targeting one person?
You cited a message that was not directly linked to the incident last Saturday. Do you think that might reflect that you were biased before evaluating the incidence?
Were you aware that citing an irrelevant case might cause biased judgment among the message recipients?
Do you remain biased towards the person outside the soccer games? Specifically, do you consider him as a generally violent person, or one with violent tendency?
As the Committee member of the said person, do you agree that you are in the de facto higher level of the hierarchy in any possible interaction with him?
Do you agree that the power structure never really disappear, no mAtter how the context or scenario changes?
If so, do you think as a person with more power in this hierarchy, your accusation may cause unnecessary pressure and stress on the person?
Do you agree therefore you should be more cautious than making an ill-evidenced accusation, which may be a crime that breaches the said person's reputation, at the same time causing a conflict of interest?
Since you are constantly making moral and even legal judgment of the person without factual ground, how certain are you that such personal biases would not interfere with your role as influencing and evaluating the said person's academic performance?
Oct 16,19:55
海岩Elysia:回复@淇水之悠:专业所致吧再加上现在我在教课。Vic也不像我这样想。但是今天一天都觉得Vic一直在想这件事,他真是被说得很懵。被公开指说“犯法”,换谁都有压力,你说呢。老师有天然的责任感,这没什么错,但事实不清时说得这么严重,我觉得可能欠考虑。另外Vic每次踢球回来都浑身是伤,只是没说罢了 (今天 11:31)
淇水之悠:没想到你解读得如此深刻。说实在的,我没有想到这一层。我还真把老zhang当球友看。但是回过头来想,我想当时我老板还没挂靴的时候,我也真不可能在场上把他当普通球友。 (今天 11:24)
Oct 16,19:57
淇水之悠:海岩,我觉得你说得没错,保护队友我们都有义务。这才是为什么我们要尽量避免犯规。我们大家踢球都受侵犯,我也经常受伤,Vic收到更多伤也许跟他的踢球风格和位置有关。我始终都说最后那个球事公平的机会,如果大家当时都没较上劲,就不会受伤了。 (今天 11:57)
Vic回复@淇水之悠:他较不较劲我不知道,我没有。换了对方是任何人,我都要出击解围。作为守门员的责任比前锋大得多。你失球了,全队一起做俯卧撑;前锋没抢到球,又能如何?而且我必须说,是我先碰到了球,他踢到了我的脚上。他受伤那么严重,你就知道他用了多大的力量。 (今天 12:02)
海岩Elysia:回复 @淇水之悠:很抱歉,也许我不必参与这个讨论,只是一直以来看到Vic以及他人受伤就已经很不好受了,今天又为这莫名、持续、针对个人的指责批判惶恐了一天,真无法接受。你看看邮件,想象是你或你家人也是受侵犯的一方受到这样的指控是什么心情... (今天 12:04)
淇水之悠:回复@海岩Elysia:我可以理解 (今天 12:05)
杜总的围脖:诬陷,没得说 (今天 12:27)
flybarrel:cmft...世界上傻逼很多的。。vic还好吧 (今天 12:48)
葡萄s:bless vic,你俩别生气了。。这种人就是有自己“位高权重”的优越感,在这种优越感被挑战的时候,就接受不了呗。。。这种情况在国内就比较少发生,绝大多数情况大家都知道他们来踢球是来显示自己优越感的。。。只有极个别的老师or老板,是真心和大家来玩儿的。。 (今天 13:18)
淇水之悠:最后说的witness云云,的确有些离谱了。 (今天 12:38)
frank_yong:还是我们这边的教授好。。。只有被我骂的分。。。 (11分钟前)
Oct 16,19:55
海岩Elysia:回复@淇水之悠:专业所致吧再加上现在我在教课。Vic也不像我这样想。但是今天一天都觉得Vic一直在想这件事,他真是被说得很懵。被公开指说“犯法”,换谁都有压力,你说呢。老师有天然的责任感,这没什么错,但事实不清时说得这么严重,我觉得可能欠考虑。另外Vic每次踢球回来都浑身是伤,只是没说罢了 (今天 11:31)
淇水之悠:没想到你解读得如此深刻。说实在的,我没有想到这一层。我还真把老zhang当球友看。但是回过头来想,我想当时我老板还没挂靴的时候,我也真不可能在场上把他当普通球友。 (今天 11:24)
Oct 16,19:57
淇水之悠:海岩,我觉得你说得没错,保护队友我们都有义务。这才是为什么我们要尽量避免犯规。我们大家踢球都受侵犯,我也经常受伤,Vic收到更多伤也许跟他的踢球风格和位置有关。我始终都说最后那个球事公平的机会,如果大家当时都没较上劲,就不会受伤了。 (今天 11:57)
Vic回复@淇水之悠:他较不较劲我不知道,我没有。换了对方是任何人,我都要出击解围。作为守门员的责任比前锋大得多。你失球了,全队一起做俯卧撑;前锋没抢到球,又能如何?而且我必须说,是我先碰到了球,他踢到了我的脚上。他受伤那么严重,你就知道他用了多大的力量。 (今天 12:02)
海岩Elysia:回复 @淇水之悠:很抱歉,也许我不必参与这个讨论,只是一直以来看到Vic以及他人受伤就已经很不好受了,今天又为这莫名、持续、针对个人的指责批判惶恐了一天,真无法接受。你看看邮件,想象是你或你家人也是受侵犯的一方受到这样的指控是什么心情... (今天 12:04)
淇水之悠:回复@海岩Elysia:我可以理解 (今天 12:05)
杜总的围脖:诬陷,没得说 (今天 12:27)
flybarrel:cmft...世界上傻逼很多的。。vic还好吧 (今天 12:48)
葡萄s:bless vic,你俩别生气了。。这种人就是有自己“位高权重”的优越感,在这种优越感被挑战的时候,就接受不了呗。。。这种情况在国内就比较少发生,绝大多数情况大家都知道他们来踢球是来显示自己优越感的。。。只有极个别的老师or老板,是真心和大家来玩儿的。。 (今天 13:18)
淇水之悠:最后说的witness云云,的确有些离谱了。 (今天 12:38)
frank_yong:还是我们这边的教授好。。。只有被我骂的分。。。 (11分钟前)
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
About 304.
I was thinking about some possible changes to the way of teaching 304 next semester. So I am writing myself a note. Here is the thought:
But by doing so, students will be able to learn by doing. I always believe that it is the best way of learning. More importantly, they get to work on things that really interest them from Day 1. I hope that they will find it enjoyable than a "traditional" method class.
This new plan demands me to teach really interactively: Class readings have to be prominent to students' respective interests; More thoughts will need to be put into class design beforehand; More effort will be needed to ensure the replication studies work out well, and that these studies better represent different kinds of research methods! I and my students have to work together very efficiently to complete all these tasks within 16 weeks! I will also have to think of a way to evaluate their performance and learning collectively and individually.
- I will start to encourage my students to come up with their research questions in Week 1. Probably will provide them with some potential fields/areas, just to inspire their ideas.
- Based on their interests, I will put them into groups, and assign them with research articles which investigate theories or phenomena in that specific field which they are interested in.
- Each group will replicate the study in the assigned article with the rest of their classmates as participants. That means that in the first third of the semester there will be one day of lectures and one day of such activities every week.
- In the second third, we will work on their original study ideas; and in the last third, we will analyze the data and report results.
But by doing so, students will be able to learn by doing. I always believe that it is the best way of learning. More importantly, they get to work on things that really interest them from Day 1. I hope that they will find it enjoyable than a "traditional" method class.
Monday, July 4, 2011
How to Talk to Little Girls
I went to a dinner party at a friend's home last weekend, and met her five-year-old daughter for the first time.
Little Maya was all curly brown hair, doe-like dark eyes, and adorable in her shiny pink nightgown. I wanted to squeal, "Maya, you're so cute! Look at you! Turn around and model that pretty ruffled gown, you gorgeous thing!"
But I didn't. I squelched myself. As I always bite my tongue when I meet little girls, restraining myself from my first impulse, which is to tell them how darn cute/ pretty/ beautiful/ well-dressed/ well-manicured/ well-coiffed they are.
What's wrong with that? It's our culture's standard talking-to-little-girls icebreaker, isn't it? And why not give them a sincere compliment to boost their self-esteem? Because they are so darling I just want to burst when I meet them, honestly.
Hold that thought for just a moment.
This week ABC News reported that nearly half of all three- to six-year-old girls worry about being fat. In my book, Think: Straight Talk for Women to Stay Smart in a Dumbed-Down World, I reveal that 15 to 18 percent of girls under 12 now wear mascara, eyeliner and lipstick regularly; eating disorders are up and self-esteem is down; and 25 percent of young American women would rather win America's Next Top Model than the Nobel Peace Prize. Even bright, successful college women say they'd rather be hot than smart. A Miami mom just died from cosmetic surgery, leaving behind two teenagers. This keeps happening, and it breaks my heart.
Teaching girls that their appearance is the first thing you notice tells them that looks are more important than anything. It sets them up for dieting at age 5 and foundation at age 11 and boob jobs at 17 and Botox at 23. As our cultural imperative for girls to be hot 24/7 has become the new normal, American women have become increasingly unhappy. What's missing? A life of meaning, a life of ideas and reading books and being valued for our thoughts and accomplishments.
That's why I force myself to talk to little girls as follows.
"Maya," I said, crouching down at her level, looking into her eyes, "very nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too," she said, in that trained, polite, talking-to-adults good girl voice.
"Hey, what are you reading?" I asked, a twinkle in my eyes. I love books. I'm nuts for them. I let that show.
Her eyes got bigger, and the practiced, polite facial expression gave way to genuine excitement over this topic. She paused, though, a little shy of me, a stranger.
"I LOVE books," I said. "Do you?"
Most kids do.
"YES," she said. "And I can read them all by myself now!"
"Wow, amazing!" I said. And it is, for a five-year-old. You go on with your bad self, Maya.
"What's your favorite book?" I asked.
"I'll go get it! Can I read it to you?"
Purplicious was Maya's pick and a new one to me, as Maya snuggled next to me on the sofa and proudly read aloud every word, about our heroine who loves pink but is tormented by a group of girls at school who only wear black. Alas, it was about girls and what they wore, and how their wardrobe choices defined their identities. But after Maya closed the final page, I steered the conversation to the deeper issues in the book: mean girls and peer pressure and not going along with the group. I told her my favorite color in the world is green, because I love nature, and she was down with that.
Not once did we discuss clothes or hair or bodies or who was pretty. It's surprising how hard it is to stay away from those topics with little girls, but I'm stubborn.
I told her that I'd just written a book, and that I hoped she'd write one too one day. She was fairly psyched about that idea. We were both sad when Maya had to go to bed, but I told her next time to choose another book and we'd read it and talk about it. Oops. That got her too amped up to sleep, and she came down from her bedroom a few times, all jazzed up.
So, one tiny bit of opposition to a culture that sends all the wrong messages to our girls. One tiny nudge towards valuing female brains. One brief moment of intentional role modeling. Will my few minutes with Maya change our multibillion dollar beauty industry, reality shows that demean women, our celebrity-manic culture? No. But I did change Maya's perspective for at least that evening.
Try this the next time you meet a little girl. She may be surprised and unsure at first, because few ask her about her mind, but be patient and stick with it. Ask her what she's reading. What does she like and dislike, and why? There are no wrong answers. You're just generating an intelligent conversation that respects her brain. For older girls, ask her about current events issues: pollution, wars, school budgets slashed. What bothers her out there in the world? How would she fix it if she had a magic wand? You may get some intriguing answers. Tell her about your ideas and accomplishments and your favorite books. Model for her what a thinking woman says and does.
And let me know the response you get at www.Twitter.com/lisabloom and Facebook.
Here's to changing the world, one little girl at a time.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Aversion to preachers is no aversion to religion, but to suffocating preaches with no room for objection or holding-back.
The metaphor goes beyond those who believe in god: There are people all over the place preaching their belief(s) as if it is the only and the only worthwhile truth.
However, good will does not always lead to good deed; best feast that lasts a week will surely stuff people to burst!
Aversion to preachers is no aversion to religion, but to suffocating preaches with no room for objection or holding-back.
The metaphor goes beyond those who believe in god: There are people all over the place preaching their belief(s) as if it is the only and the only worthwhile truth.
However, good will does not always lead to good deed; best feast that lasts a week will surely stuff people to burst!
Monday, June 20, 2011
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Whispers about:
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
今天满脑子都在想一些 荒诞不经的言辞,
"Life is a bitch: you fuck it then you have to pay."
"Life is a bitch: you fuck it then you have to pay."
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